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Transformative Leadership Systems Certificate

Institute of Industrial and Systems Engineers (IISE)
Redefining work at a fundamental level will require a major transformational change for organizations in all sectors. At the forefront of this transformation is ...
Skills Leadership
Servant Leadership
Employee Satisfaction
Persuasive Communication Bootcamp

MIT Professional Education
-Understand the relevant theoretical and practical knowledge behind communication and persuasive speaking
-Enhance critical thinking abilities to construct and evaluate ...
Skills Public Speaking
Critical Thinking
Visual Persuasion
Human Rights Education Training

US Institute of Diplomacy and Human Rights
Personal Development
Human Rights Education Certification Training recognizes individuals ready to develop their knowledge and skills in promoting and protecting human rights. Upon completion, ...
Skills human rights
human rights consulting
policy advisor
Accounting Fundamentals

Corporate Finance Institute
Accounting & Finance
This 2-part series will guide you through the accounting process. We explore the layout of the balance sheet, income statement, and cash flow statement; and demonstrate ...
Skills Accounting Fundamentals
Income Statement
Balance Sheet
Excel Fundamentals – Formulas for Finance

Corporate Finance Institute
Accounting & Finance
Become an Excel "power user" for financial analysis. This course gives you all the formulas, functions, shortcuts and best practices required for financial modeling ...
Skills Excel for Financial Modeling
Advanced Excel formulas
Financial Analysis
Reading Financial Statements

Corporate Finance Institute
Accounting & Finance
In this 2-part course, we use a public company's financial statements and annual report to understand the financial strength of a company and help us to make informed ...
Skills Reading Financial Statements
Understand the balance sheet
Corporate Finance Fundamentals

Corporate Finance Institute
Accounting & Finance
This introduction to corporate finance course will give an overview of all the key concepts you need for a high powered career in investment banking, equity research, ...
Skills Capital markets overview
Business valuation overview
Mergers & acquisitions
Certified Personal Trainer (NASM-CPT)

National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM)
Healthcare & Wellness
NASM Certified Personal Trainers (NCCA accredited) are knowledgeable of the scientific principles, foundational concepts, and practical techniques to train and ...
Skills Fitness
Hootsuite Platform Certification

Marketing & Sales
The Hootsuite Platform Certification indicates competency and proficiency in the fundamentals and advanced features of the Hootsuite Platform and related solutions.
Skills Social Media Management
Social Media
Social Media Marketing Certification

Marketing & Sales
The Social Media Marketing Certification indicates competency and proficiency in the tactical applications of the essential elements of social marketing, including ...
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